Hieroglyph Fitness wants to ensure there is no further spread of COVID-19 as restrictions are slowly eased back.
In addition to strict social distancing and hygiene requirements, Hieroglyph Fitness has a key advantage when it comes to instant contact tracking. All pass holders' & members' gym visits are digitally recorded in real time via Hieroglyph's online reservation and check-in platform. Should it be necessary, no other fitness facility on the island has the ability to provide to health authorities with this real time data.
Additional preventative safety measures in Hieroglyph's framework include but are not limited to regular temperature checking on arrival, high frequency cleaning and sanitation, reduced capacity for inside our facilities at any given time, and automated contactless gym check-in system done by all visitors on their personal smart phones.
During the important phase of isolation, there has been a drastic increase in demand for mental health services, as well as a steep increase in alcohol consumption and online gambling. This coupled with people being less active has the potential to not only affect the long-term health of our whole community but also future national health budget outlays.
The role professional fitness establishments play in overall health and mental wellbeing cannot be underestimated, and it will become more apparent as restrictions are eased back. Hieroglyph Fitness and the larger fitness industry will have a vital role in ensuring the ongoing health and wellbeing of everyone during and following COVID-19.
We look forward to playing a very important role in support of our community’s overall health.
– Hieroglyph Team